Saturday, November 23, 2013

The F word.

"We do not use the F word in this house!", I said emphatically, stressing each word.  It's not what you think.  It happened at dinner the other night that Sam said, "Fat."  It is just as bad as the curse word I know you all had in mind.  Depending on how it is said, "Fat" can be hurtful or playful.  The discussion was a rehash of an exchange between Sam and Emma a few days prior.  He called Emma fat.  I am sure it was in retaliation for something she said or did.  You can understand the sibling rivalry that exists between these two, especially because they are so close in age. I know my sister and I had epic fights, including hitting, scratching and pulling of hair.  And because my nickname as a toddler was Tubby Teresa, "Fat" was a word I heard a lot in my life. (Husky was another one because I was so muscular, but we are concentrating on F words). 

I wanted to make it clear that we will not use that F word. The reaction from each family member was very different.  Emma was snippy in her telling of the exchange. Sam was sorry he had resorted to such a low blow.  Katie was oblivious, as she is on many topics because she is busy reading a book.  Dad made no comment, but mom's reaction was the one I did not want to perpetuate.  She said, "You can call me fat because I am!"  Labels are given to so many of us and those are carried in our psyche our whole lives.  So let's think of more positive labels.

Better F Words.

Family - those people we love always, even when we may not like them all the time.

Friends - people we hold dear to our hearts for being there through thick and thin.

Fling - recapture that feeling you had with your spouse when you first fell in love. Or if you are single do something for yourself exceptionally decadent (mine is dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt!)

Fabulous - just like the gluten-free waffles I made this morning because I took the time to beat the egg whites to soft peaks and folded them into the batter.

Fudge - enough said!

Fun - keep the laughter in your life. It really helps during the rough times.

Forever - what we can look forward to in our life everlasting.

Father - God, my Father blessing me every day.

Faith - something we can all keep in mind as our daily lives unfold, positive or negative.

Think of your own F words that can be positive and uplifting.

Peace and Love,


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