Monday, November 11, 2013

Hello all,

On this Veteran's Day 2013, I thank all active, retired and deceased veterans for their service to our country so that we may have the freedoms enjoyed by all.

I have finally felt more at peace the last few days due to many things going on in our lives.  I have the financial stability to pursue Cardinal Gibbons High School as an option for Emma and Sam and Katie.  This was the path that Peter and I had planned for our family, however, there have been questions the past few years whether this would be possible.  We have looked at other high school options, but my gut says Cardinal Gibbons is the best place for my children and for me.  It is a community I know I can count on for support no matter what happens.

I am also finding the change to a gluten-free diet has not been as difficult as I had anticipated.  I do spend twice as much time in cooking and prepping, but it helps that mom and dad are on board and helping to find the great items that can replace foods we enjoyed that are gluten-free.  The cost is much higher, but for the overall health of Sam and Emma it is worth it. 

Emma's heart condition was diagnosed as Second Degree Heart Block.  There are no physical restrictions for her.  The cardiologist has told me that the issue is benign but that she will have to be monitored every six months going forward.  I am not completely at ease with this situation because of what she could face in the future.  Mother's intuition?  I cannot completely breathe a sigh of relief on this one yet.

I am feeling strong in my pursuit of writing and publishing my story and am close to completing the manuscript.  Please pray I will find the right words to inspire others who may be going through their own grief journey.

Have faith.



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