Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I recently stopped at Peter's stone, I touched it and instantly heard the word "disconnect".  It was not a negative feeling that came over me but one that I felt at peace and willing to be open to what that would mean.

The image that came to mind was of a parachute.  When you are up in the plane and ready to jump, that parachute is on your back ready for you to pull the cord as soon as you jump.  The parachute is your necessity to land safely on the ground and you need it or you will die.  Once you land, that parachute becomes a burden and all you want to do is "disconnect" from those straps and be free.

I know Peter was sending me the message that I have come to a place in my grief journey where I no longer need to lean on him so much to make my way.  I am free to continue this life with a beautiful memory of our time together.

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