Friday, December 6, 2013

An Act of Love.

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, I took the kids to see "Frozen",  the new Disney animated movie.  We had been waiting for the release date and thoroughly enjoyed the movie and the experience of seeing a feature film with a large crowd.  It was a richer experience to hear other's responses and reactions to the movie.  It is rare that we go to the movies, because even with the coupons I had, the whole evening cost over $40 for the four of us. 

The part that struck me about this movie was I thought it would be the same Princess and Prince Charming story as it started to unfold.  However, at the end, just as we thought the act of love that would solve the issue would be "True love's kiss", there was a different twist.  It was the sisters' love that saved them in the end. I was so heartened because I am so concerned having girls that they will fall into that trap of thinking they need a man in their lives to "save" or "rescue" them.

The flip side of that concept is that I realize as a single parent, I am not able to show my children the loving, cooperative, and supportive situation that a married couple creates in the family.  How will my children know what marriage is like?  They are surrounded by other people that are married, but it is not the same knowing and understanding that can come from living with it every day.  What example am I showing my children by being single?  A strong faithful servant of God?  A frazzled working parent trying to juggle work, household chores, volunteering, aging parents, and kids' activities?  A lonely woman looking for that "rescue"?  I know they have had the vision of all three scenarios because life is never the same in my house. 

What I do hope I can do is share what my marriage was like by showing videos, looking at pictures and retelling the stories of our lives.  I waited a long time to get married because I wasn't waiting for Prince Charming.  I was waiting for the right person to enter my life that I could truly love, share similar interests and build a life, family and future.  Now that he is gone, my future is up to me.

The possibilities are wide open.  And I only hope I can be the Act of Love for my children.  That is the example I want to set for them.  Then they can be the Act of Love for someone else in their life.

Peace and love,


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